Get your website in front of ready-to-buy leads with Showit SEO services

(and stop wondering where your people are)

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Social media? You don’t love it…and filming reels and designing in Canva takes up too much of your valuable time.

Referrals? You’re grateful for them, but you can’t rely on them to bring in your revenue.

Guest speaking? It’s going great, but what you really want (and need) is a lead generation system that works around the clock!

It’s exactly why I offer Showit SEO services for creatives.

And you can get your website in front of them and start bringing in warm, qualified leads consistently each month.

The truth is, the warm leads you want to attract are searching for solutions just like yours on Google. 

Right now. 

You’re ready to attract more qualified leads to your business and use your beautiful Showit website to turn them into customers.

Optimize your beautiful Showit website to generate leads from your valuable content

Bring in potential clients and customers already searching for support from a creative like you

Grab a custom roadmap to help you achieve SEO results

If you’re ready to…

Finally feel confident in your understanding of SEO strategy and how it’s working in your business

You’ve met your Showit SEO consultant dedicated to helping you go from your industry’s hidden gem to a seen and trusted solution ready to deliver results.

Come see how I can help you get your Showit website found online

  • Discovery questionnaire so I can get to know you and your business
  • SEO Implementation for up to 8 pages (More available on request)
  • Competitive analysis (up to 3 competitors) of what phrases are your competitors ranking for on Google
  • Up to 50 industry relevant keywords to be used across website copy, blog posts and online content
  • Writing and optimizing of key sections of your website: SEO titles, meta descriptions, alt text and URL slugs
  • Google Analytics and Search Console Set-Up so you can track the success of your SEO efforts
  • Notion Dashboard containing your keywords, SEO website map, and recommendations for growing and maintaining your SEO strategy
  • 1 hour review call

Upgrade your website to show up in your ideal client’s Google search results (or build it right from the very start) with the Showit SEO Starter Kit. As your Showit SEO consultant, I will help you discover keywords you can rank for and ensure your website is built to be found by those searching for them. You’ll also receive recommendations to grow and maintain your SEO strategy!

This is the perfect add-on to your custom web design project or my Website in a Week package. 

What's Included:

$1,000 one time fee


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Using another designer? I'm happy to collaborate with them to ensure your SEO is done right and/or provide this kit to them to do it themselves.

Showit SEO Starter Kit

  • 15 Page Report Outlining key areas for SEO improvement
  • Keyword Bank of 20+ Keywords for you niche to be used across pages and blog content
  • 1 Hour Strategy Call
  • Free Access to SEO for Service Providers

This is best for the creative who already has a website and has perhaps dabbled in their SEO, but needs guidance on how to improve their rankings and grow their presence strategically.

What's Included:

$600 one time fee


book your audit

You know SEO is important–and you’re ready to dive in and make changes to your Showit website yourself. You just need someone to show you the way forward. With an SEO Strategy Audit, I’ll outline key areas for improvement in your SEO strategy and walk you through how to make changes to see better results. 

SEO Strategy Audit

The Showit SEO Checklist

Copy the exact SEO formula I use as a Showit SEO consultant to optimize my client’s websites from start to finish so you can bring in leads from the moment you hit publish on your own! 

a gift just for you


grab it here


Frequently Asked Questions

Primarily yes, however I've performed audits and optimizations for Wordpress, Squarespace, and Wix websites as well. Just ask!

Optimizing your website for SEO and Google’s preferences increases your chances of showing up in the search results of people already looking for your services. SEO introduces more qualified and warm leads to your business, increasing your chances of conversions. A proper SEO strategy will increase your visibility and sales over time.

No worries! You can always optimize your Showit website for SEO, regardless if it’s a new website or not.

Just reach out! I'm happy to put together a custom package that fits your needs.

Yes, I can support your SEO needs even if you’re working with another web designer. I'll ensure that the SEO complements the design-basically that I'll be able to work in tandem with them to make sure the site is SEO friendly but still aesthetically pleasing.

SEO is a long-term marketing strategy. Most people see growth in 3-6 months with ongoing efforts like blogging and backlinks, which help increase SEO results over time. If you are looking for ways to make sales right now, know that SEO can complement your short-term efforts, but won’t solve revenue problems immediately.

No. While I am going to do my best to increase your traffic with SEO, whether or not the content converts into clicks, sales etc. is not something I can guarantee. At the end of the day, you must produce quality content and services/products to see a return! The Google algorithm and competitive nature of your specific niche will also impact your results.

No, I don’t offer SEO blogging. However, I have a list of recommended service providers who specialize in this. Reach out and I’ll provide it to you!

Increase your visibility on Google with Showit SEO Services and generate more warm leads.

Google is a powerful tool millions of people use every day. Will the person searching for your services find you? I can help you optimize your Showit website so you can feel confident they will.

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